Become an InfraGard Sponsor (old)

About our sponsorship opportunities

InfraGard is a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) program that began in 1996, and has since grown to a national organization of 86 Member Alliances and over 50,000 members. InfraGard supports the FBI’s investigative mission, especially as it pertains to counterterrorism and cyber security, as well as the DHS Critical Infrastructure Protection program.

As an information sharing and networking initiative, InfraGard is serving the interests and combining the subject-matter expertise of a wide range of members. At its most basic level, InfraGard is a partnership between the FBI and private and public sector individuals. InfraGard members represent businesses, academic institutions, state and local law enforcement agencies, and other participants dedicated to sharing information and intelligence to prevent hostile acts against the United States. InfraGard “Chapters” are geographically linked with FBI Field Office territories and are a partnership between private sector-led InfraGard Members Alliances and the FBI.

The InfraGard Tampa Bay Chapter covers Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg and the surrounding countries and all 16 of the currently-defined DHS critical infrastructure sectors as well as four locally-designated sectors. Our members are individuals who have been vetted by the FBI for Official Use Only (FOUO) and Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES) information. Our Chapter is continually growing and has over 500 members governed by our Board of Directors.

The goal of InfraGard is to promote ongoing dialogue and timely communication between its members, the FBI and other federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. This goal is supported by the following objectives:

  • To increase the quantity and quality of information sharing and reporting from InfraGard members to the FBI and its law enforcement partners
  • To provide members value-added threat briefings, alerts, and analytical intelligence products regarding all hazards to the 16 DHS-recognized critical infrastructure sectors
  • To promote effective liaison with local, state and federal agencies, to include the Department of Homeland Security
  • To provide members a forum for education and training on counter-terrorism, counter-intelligence, cyber-security and other matters relevant to preventing potential crimes and attacks on the nation’s critical infrastructure and key resources (CI/KR)


Your financial support will enable us to achieve these important objectives. We hope that you will consider sponsoring our InfraGard Members Alliance at one of the levels described on the attached summary sheet. Our guiding philosophy in acquiring financial support is to form a long-term relationship of mutual benefit to both InfraGard and its sponsors. Accordingly your sponsorship will be in effect for one year from the date of your acceptance of this offer.

Platinum – $2,500

Benefits include:

  • Prestigious association with a premier FBI-affiliated public/private partnership
  • Access to the invaluable training, education and networking provided at InfraGard events
  • Provide two (2) educational speakers to present at Infragard chapter meetings
  • Opportunity to introduce a speaker at an InfraGard chapter meeting
  • Opportunity to bring a banner stand for display in the registration area at all InfraGard chapter meetings annually
  • Opportunity to bring a table display to all InfraGard chapter meetings annually
  • Four (2) participants in an FBI Range Day event
  • Company logo, brief description and link displayed on InfraGard Tampa Bay’s web site with featured position
  • Company logo included in onscreen Power Point presentation at InfraGard chapter meetings

Platinum Application

Gold – $1,500

Benefits include:

  • Prestigious association with a premier FBI-affiliated public/private partnership
  • Access to the invaluable training, education and networking provided at InfraGard events
  • Provide one (1) educational speaker to present at Infragard chapter meetings
  • Opportunity to bring a table display to three (3) InfraGard chapter meetings annually
  • Two (1) participants in an FBI Range Day event
  • Company logo, brief description and link displayed on InfraGard Tampa Bay web site
  • Company logo included in onscreen Power Point presentation at InfraGard chapter meetings


Silver – $500

Benefits include:

  • Prestigious association with a premier FBI-affiliated public/private partnership
  • Access to the invaluable training, education and networking provided at InfraGard events
  • Company logo, brief description and link displayed on InfraGard Tampa Bay web site
  • Company logo included in onscreen Power Point presentation at InfraGard chapter meetings

Silver Application

Donate Any Amount

In order to maximize the benefit of these sponsorships for the companies involved, it is important to provide web publication-ready logos and marketing material for the Chapter website.

Please contact please contact InfraGard Board Members Vendor Relations John Medaska ( for more information and to process your sponsorship.


Sponsor Requirements (All Levels):

  1. Sponsors agree to focus on improving the professional knowledge and expertise of critical infrastructure defenders, first responders, and security practitioners through an education-oriented rather than sales approach. The InfraGard Tampa Bay Chapter will not provide membership lists.
  2. Sponsors agree to promote services and products to IAMA members only after the express permission of those members to be solicited has been received. This is also known as the “opt-in” policy. In conjunction with the opt-in policy, Sponsors also agree to adhere to a “no-spam” and chapter privacy policies. Also, membership names, contact information, and distribution lists will not be shared under any circumstances under this program. The InfraGard Tampa Bay logo may not be utilized or displayed without written approval from the IAMA Board under this program.
  3. To emphasize InfraGards education mission, sponsor or product specific “standalone” displays or showcases are not permitted at any events.
  4. The InfraGard Tampa Bay reserves the right to amend the program at any time, and abuse of the program could result in expulsion from the program, with no refund of sponsorship fees to the Sponsor.
  5. The InfraGard Tampa Bay has agreed to abide by terms of membership in the InfraGard National Members Alliance (INMA). From time to time, terms of membership may cause changes to this program. Accordingly, InfraGard Tampa Bay reserves the right to modify this program to maintain compliance with INMA provisions.

Benefits of Sponsorship for the Tampa Bay InfraGard Chapter

InfraGard sponsorships are valid for one year and renewable on an annual basis. Sponsorships and sponsoring corporations must be compatible and consistent with the mission and focus of InfraGard. Sponsors are responsible for providing the deliverables associated with their benefits in a timely manner. InfraGard reserves the right to exercise policy control over marketing and communications and is not obligated to support products, services or activities of sponsoring corporations that are deemed to not to be in the interest of our members. The InfraGard name and service mark and logo are governed by strict licensing agreements and may not be used by sponsors as a representation, endorsement or other affiliation unless pre-approved by the board of directors. InfraGard reserves the right to adjust sponsorship benefits as necessary.

© InfraGard Tampa Bay Members Alliance.

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